Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Jesse Ayala (lower right) and Project 40/40

Last November I was invited by two of my close friends to help them construct a new Non-Profit Student Organization on campus called Project 40/40.

Project 40/40 is an awareness and fundraising campaign for the Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative. Through a combination of incremental, individual donations and group fundraising efforts, Project 40/40 seeks to partner UW-Madison's 40,000 student population with 40,000 HIV+ Ugandans in need of finance for their AIDS medication.

Currently I am the Director of Event Coordination, one of five executives working with a team of 17 interns this semester. My main task is executing a fundraising and awareness campaign comprised of fifteen events this semester, ranging from networking nights, to panel discussions to even a musical about the AIDS Quilt. Our focus is to demonstrate the HIV/AIDS is not a partisan issue, but rather an issue that affects all people regardless of nationality, creed, ethnicity, economic status or sexuality, thus it is everyone's responsibility to act.

Most notably on April 1, we hosted an exclusive web lecture with Jeffrey Sachs, a world renowned Economist who is currently the Director of the UN Millennium Project. He has written two books, The End of Poverty and Common Wealth, both outlining his plan to eradicate extreme poverty by the year 2025. In the sphere of poverty alleviation Jeffrey Sachs is the biggest name in the field that anyone could book. Due to his fame, we were actually featured in both of the student news publications: Daily Cardinal
Badger Herald

Myself, along with four other members of the project travelled over spring break to New Orleans to attend the Clinton Global Initiative University Kick-off Conference. This conference marked the beginning of President Bill Clinton's campaign to get University campuses world wide to make a difference on the global stage. While in attendance I had the opportunity to meet a wide range of distinguished public servants and activists, including President Bill Clinton, Lance Armstrong, Brad Pitt & Gideon Yago to name just a few.

Also while in New Orleans I had the opportunity to have dinner with Ben Seydewitz who is doing AmeriCorp in New Orleans. I visited the Seydewitz family during my vacation to the East Coast this past summer, but it was nice to catch up with Ben in New Orleans and explore Bourbon Street with a family member. For more information on the CGI U conference, you can visit www.CGIU.org.

If anyone is interested in more information or has questions about the initiative or is willing to contribute money to the cause, they can email me at jayala@wisc.edu. Our website is currently under construction, but will soon be up and running at www.Project4040.org.

Jesse Ayala
Director of Event Coordination
Project 40/40

University of Wisconsin Chancellor's Scholars Program
2010 Class Co-Chair

Monday, April 21, 2008

Iris Schramm, Ellen Schramm, Lezley Contreras, Elizabeth Schramm, Barb Berling

Iris Schramm is Barb Berling's mother whom we visited last weekend in Marion, Indiana. Ellen Schramm is Barb's sister-in-law. Elizabeth Schramm is Ellen's daughter and Lezley is Ellen's grandaughter.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Javier volunteers to be the Madison East Freshman Girls Soccer Manager

He will be helping out with the team (the high school girls teams play in the spring and the boys in the fall).

Lorena was the Girls Junior Varsity Soccer manager at Madison East two years ago.

Oscar Mireles was the boys basketball manager in 7th , 8th and 9th grade at Washington Junior High School.

University of Wisconsin Chancellor's Scholars Class of 2010

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Javier and Lorena Mireles make the Madison East Honor Roll

Juan Mireles receives AAODA certification in Arizona

Advanced Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Counselor (AAODA) Standards

The minimum standards for Advanced Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Counselor (AAODA) reciprocal credential is listed below. Note that each Member Board may have higher standards for this credential. Please see our Member Board page for contact information.


2000 hours of supervised AODA-specific work experience.


Master's Degree in behavioral science with a clinical application from a regionally accredited college or university within the United States or colleges and universities outside the U.S. plus 180 hours of AODA-specific education. Six hours must be specific to counselor ethics. One hour of education is equal to 50 minutes of continuous instruction.


300 hours specific to the IC&RC 12 core function areas with a minimum of ten hours in each core function area.


Applicants must pass the IC&RC International Written AAODA Examination.

Case Presentation Method

Applicants must pass the IC&RC Case Presentation Method (CPM) Examination.

Code of Ethics

Applicants must sign a code of ethics statement or affirmation statement.


40 hours of continuing education earned every two years.

Lorena performs at Madison McPike East High School Show Choir

Jesse Ayala and the UW-Chancellors Scholar Class of 2010 volunteer at Omega School

The group of about 30 students landscaped around the building, built two terraced flowerboxes and moved dirt and word chips.
In addition a small group organized Omega School graduation and program photos. A third group organized and alphabetized the over 1500 folders of student graduates. I taught Jesse Ayala how to grill hot dogs and brats as well as prepare masta and marinera sauce.